Monday, January 31, 2011

1st model is finished!

Well, after I started getting more comfortable with the deforming modifiers, things seemed to go faster.

Here are some renders of my first robot.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Robot is starting to take shape

Well, I've started modeling the robot, and things are progressing at a snail's pace. After spending over an hour trying to figure out how to put the pictures of my sketches as bitmap's on reference boxes like the tutorial for modeling a plane, and only ending up with white surfaces, I decided to just plow ahead and model without them. I've only used boxes and cylinders so far, but will start adding in hoses and other things when I get the basic shapes completed.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The class' first modeling project.

The second lecture is over, and the instructor got everyone up to speed as far as basics in 3DS Max. Our first bit of homework using the program will be to model a robot, and then render it using some different angles. Attached are concept design sketches that I scanned in and will try to use for references while modeling in 3DS.  (epic fail for using legal size paper when the scanner is only 8.5x11)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011



I am a student currently enrolled in the course '3D Modeling and Rendering I' offered at Austin Community College. This blog will be used to show work in progress as well as final work projects as assigned by the class instructor, and will be used for grading.