Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ammo Room Materials Assignment

Well, this week we dove right into all the different materials you can add to objects. Our assignment was to take a pre-built room full of objects and add materials to them so that they looked a little more real. I tried to keep everything synced to the lesson, but I had some huge problems with the bundle of dynamite that was there. I had to make a new one just to put textures on it. I also took the taper off the barrels and turned them into oil barrels instead of barrels of gunpowder. I added a plane on the other side of the window and then added a picture of a jungle. I had some trouble with adding a rusted metal texture to the beams in the cealing without all the rust spots being in the same place. I eventually just made 7 copies of the same material and then offset it several different times. So, without further ado, here are the shots I took.

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