Monday, June 20, 2011

2nd pass

I've started the second pass on the project, and I've started the weathering process for the metal portion of the pillar.

I noticed that there were still some portions that were being mirrored so I separated, broke them apart, flipped them and set them near where they were supposed to be. Here it is rendered to a texture.

I noticed while I was rendering these that part of the beveled trim of the pillar didn't have the correct smoothing groups assigned, and I didn't like how flat gray the metal looked, so I changed the output levels of my sky map that I had assigned to the raytrace reflection and I corrected the smoothing problems on the front side (I'll have to check the back side tomorrow.)

Also, I think the lighting is a little too harsh, so I might add a skylight to soften the whole scene up.

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